Easy Quiche Recipe (with Tomatoes & Cheese) - Sizzling Eats (2024)

Shared by Amy Desrosiers | 44 Comments
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This Easy Quiche Recipe with broccoli, cherry tomatoes and cheddar Cheese makes for the perfect breakfast or brunch idea! This recipe is made easy by using a frozen pie crust & prepared, fresh ingredients.

Easy Quiche Recipe (with Tomatoes & Cheese) - Sizzling Eats (1)

Do you love quiche? Are you looking to make your own quiche at home? For years, I have wanted to make my very own quiche at home but thought it was so complicated.

It was one of those recipes I would enjoy at brunches and mentally add to my running list of recipes to make at home. However, I thought it seems like a laborious recipe because the flavors and texture were always so delicious.

Finally, after years of quiche being on my recipe backburner, I decided to make aEasy Quiche with broccoli. cherry tomatoes, cheddar cheese, and onions!

I am so happy with the way this recipe turned out, and I’m sure you’ll love it too!

What is Quiche?

Quiche is like a savory custard pie that has vegetables and sometimes cheese baked into the custard filling. It makes a great breakfast or brunch meal, but can be enjoyed for any time of day.

How do You Make Quiche?

To make quiche, you can go as simple as adding just cheese, or you can add additional sautéed vegetables and multiples cheeses to make a savory pie the most important step in making quiche is to decide on either a frozen pie crust or homemade one. I really love this lard pie crust recipe if you feel like making a homemade crust.

Recipe Tips

Pie Crust – Since pretty pie crusts are not my forte, I decided to use a deep-dish frozen pie shell. I have nothing against frozen pie crusts and really love them. They are a tasty hack as long as you buy a good brand. The one I used was a little pricey, but it made for a deliciously buttery crust for my savory quiche.

Eggs – With any quiche recipe, eggs are the main star. I used quality eggs for this recipe. If you have access to fresh eggs, those would make this quiche even yummier! Maybe it is just me, but knowing how much better fresh eggs are, makes them even more enjoyable to me. I love how fluffy they made my quiche.

Vegetables – My best tip for making a quiche is to always sauté the vegetables. This helps them to precook and locks in lots of flavor for a delectable quiche.

Cheese – You can use any type of cheese you prefer. For me, I love to shred my own in my food processor because it melts into a creamier consistency.

Easy Quiche Recipe (with Tomatoes & Cheese) - Sizzling Eats (2)

This easy quiche was so savory a made the best breakfast, lunch or really dinner. I mean it was that good. Sometimes you just need to mix things up.

Easy Quiche Recipe (with Tomatoes & Cheese) - Sizzling Eats (3)

Easy Quiche Recipe (with Tomatoes & Cheese) - Sizzling Eats (4)

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Broccoli Quiche with Tomato & Cheddar Cheese

An easy quiche filled with seasoned broccoli, onion, tomato, and sharp cheddar cheese blend.

Prep Time 15 minutes minutes

Cook Time 30 minutes minutes

Resting Time 15 minutes minutes

Total Time 1 hour hour

Course Breakfast

Cuisine American

Servings 8 people

Calories 212cal

Author Amy Desrosiers


  • 1 9" Frozen Pie Crust
  • 1 medium sweet onion diced
  • 2 cups broccoli florets chopped small
  • ½ cup cherry tomatoes
  • salt, pepper, garlic powder to taste use for pan-frying veggies
  • 1 tablespoon Extra Virgin Olive Oil (EVOO)
  • 1 cup whole milk
  • 3 large eggs
  • 2 large egg yolks
  • 8 ounces sharp cheddar cheese shredded


  • Preheat oven to 350 degree F.

  • In a medium sized frying pan, add the olive oil, onions, and broccoli. Season with salt, pepper, and garlic powder. Cook for 3 minutes.

  • Add in the tomatoes and pan fry for another 3-5 mins; set aside.

  • In a mixing bowl, add eggs, yolks, and milk; whisk until fully combined. The mixture will be pale yellow.

  • Add shredded cheese to pie crust, then veggies, and pour over the egg custard mixture.

  • Bake for 35-40 mins or until the top feels firm. A knife or toothpick inserted into the very center of the quiche should come out clean. You may notice a tiny bit of moisture on top of the quiche but that is the juices from the tomato.

  • Allow quiche to cool and set for at least 30 minutes before slicing.

  • Enjoy warm! Leftovers can be placed in the refrigerator for up to 2 days. To heat, place the quiche on a microwave-safe dish and heat in the microwave or a toaster oven until warmed throughout.


Nutritional values may vary and are meant to be a guide.


Serving: 1slice | Calories: 212cal | Carbohydrates: 7g | Protein: 12g | Fat: 15g | Saturated Fat: 8g | Polyunsaturated Fat: 1g | Monounsaturated Fat: 5g | Trans Fat: 1g | Cholesterol: 149mg | Sodium: 230mg | Potassium: 240mg | Fiber: 1g | Sugar: 4g | Vitamin A: 684IU | Vitamin C: 24mg | Calcium: 275mg | Iron: 1mg

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Easy Quiche Recipe (with Tomatoes & Cheese) - Sizzling Eats (2024)
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