Waldo, Kansas City | News, Crime, Lost Pets, Free Stuff (2024)

Latest safety updates near Waldo

JACKSON COUNTY SHERIFF'S OFFICE2+ weeks agoAgencyBeware of scam callers! Our department does not participate in these kinds of activities, so please be careful.84Like11

A. S.Waldo·3 days agoOmg! Did anybody hear rapid gunfire about 3 minutes ago! Now there's sirens !sounds like on Wornall!23Like39

A. S.Waldo·6 days agoI’m not sure if this is anything, but I thought I’d share. A few moments ago, I saw a man wearing a black ski mask appearing to exit my driveway. My driveway leads to my back yard gate. My dog was in the backyard and may have scared him away. But, I watched him as he walked down the street, and he appeared to be scoping out other neighbors’ fences and gates. Like I said, maybe nothing. But, it seems like an odd time of year to be wearing a ski mask and also odd to be going into someone’s driveway. I did call the non emergency police line, and they did send a patrol car out to check the neighborhood. This is in the neighborhood of 75th and Holmes in KCMO. Man in black ski mask walking the neighborhood, appearing to check yard gates and fences for entry. Person Hair: Black ski mask with only opening for eyes, Top: Blue sweatshirt with white t-shirt underneath, Bottom: Dark pants, Shoes: Unknown82Like69

L. B.Waldo·4 days agoCar breaks are on the rise. It happened to my son's car and several neighbors in Ferguson, Mo. His drivers window was smashed, and they stole items. Kids walking through the neighborhood in the early morning. If you live near McClure High School, zip code 63135, be ware and lock up your cars. Don't leave anything in it.1Like5

C. W.Waldo·2+ weeks agoSo Weird!! Has anyone else been Catfished on this App?? I’m not interested in any men contacting me! But this was a woman that said she just wanted to be my friend. So I asked her a few more questions to qualify her and 🤣🤣 whoever it was, called me “MISTER”! 🤣 FOR FUTURE REFERENCE,I AM IN A RELATIONSHIP. I AM HERE FOR PURPOSE OF NEIGHBOR POSTS. PLEASE DO NOT CONTACT ME FOR ANY CREEPY RELATIONS! GOD LOVE YOU ALL, AND BEWARE OF THESE RANDOS. Peace and Much Love.78Like44

G. B.Waldo·a week agoI would like to clear a few things up as woman has been slandering my name stating that I stole a Golden Retriever named Elvis. If you have read this about me, please know that I was acting in good faith and was able to provide an evidence and proof to the police. This lady has no idea the true story as she just met the owner yesterday. Back in March, Elvis was running down my street toward wornall, I was so worried he would be hit by a car. I quickly got my dogs leash and started walking home to home looking for his owner and my husband posted it on here and Facebook. We also took him to the vet as we wanted to find his owner and they said he was not microchipped. I walked him door to door asking and a neighbor that was a member of the Waldo Facebook group posted it for me as I had not joined yet. Once it was posted on here, a lady named Anna commented and said “that’s my dog!” My husband walked him to the owner, and Anna. A few days later, we find Elvis again and my husband walks him back again and puts him in the backyard as no one answered. Anna then gets my husbands phone number from Nextdoor and sends him the following texts. (This has all been shared with police) My husband went and knocked on the door, called the owner and texted him with no response. We assumed the worst that he had been dumped based on the texts we received and hadn’t seen him for over a month. Last week, a sweet couple walked him over asking if he was mine. I said he’s not mine but I’m so glad he was okay and would keep him in safe place as we were told the owner planned on dumping him. I sadly could not keep him at my home as I have my own. I brought him to a family members home, where he sadly jumped the fence and is not microchipped, so he is lost again. Poor guy had fleas all over him, 10-15 ticks that we removed, and provided him with flea and tick medicine and bathed him so he could stop itching. He had sores all over his body. I would never ever “steal a dog” and hate that this has transpired this way. I just wanted the dog to be safe and taken care of and neutered. Many people in this neighborhood can verify that he has been loose multiple times, but I have nothing to say about how he was cared for at home other than the texts we received from someone in the home first hand. I would appreciate this lady can stop doxxing us and blasting misinformation all over the place and harassing us. I shared all of the information with the police and am very shocked they gave this lady her address who has no affiliation with this situation other than a neighbor that is not involved. She is saying I was placed in handcuffs, which is absolutely not true. After reviewing the evidence, the officers said it was clear I was acting in good faith and would be reviewed by a detective with my evidence. This is slander at this point and police have been sent the screenshots of her misleading information she has posted. This dog was never “taken” from the home. He was running the streets and was taken to a safe place. I will not entertain this woman or her lies and will not be arguing about this as this is none of her business. I would like to clear a few things up as woman has been slandering my name stating that I stole a Golden Retriever named Elvis. If you have read this about me, please know that I was acting in good faith and was able to provide an evidence and proof to the police. This lady has no idea the true story as she just met the owner yesterday. Back in March, Elvis was running down my street toward wornall, I was so worried he would be hit by a car. I quickly got my dogs leash and started walking home to home looking for his owner and my husband posted it on here and Facebook. We also took him to the vet as we wanted to find his owner and they said he was not microchipped. I walked him door to door asking and a neighbor that was a member of the Waldo Facebook group posted it for me as I had not joined yet. Once it was posted on here, a lady named Anna commented and said “that’s my dog!” My husband walked him to the owner, and Anna. A few days later, we find Elvis again and my husband walks him back again and puts him in the backyard as no one answered. Anna then gets my husbands phone number from Nextdoor and sends him the following texts. (This has all been shared with police) My husband went and knocked on the door, called the owner and texted him with no response. We assumed the worst that he had been dumped based on the texts we received and hadn’t seen him for over a month. Last week, a sweet couple walked him over asking if he was mine. I said he’s not mine but I’m so glad he was okay and would keep him in safe place as we were told the owner planned on dumping him. I sadly could not keep him at my home as I have my own. I brought him to a family members home, where he sadly jumped the fence and is not microchipped, so he is lost again. Poor guy had fleas all over him, 10-15 ticks that we removed, and provided him with flea and tick medicine and bathed him so he could stop itching. He had sores all over his body. I would never ever “steal a dog” and hate that this has transpired this way. I just wanted the dog to be safe and taken care of and neutered. Many people in this neighborhood can verify that he has been loose multiple times, but I have nothing to say about how he was cared for at home other than the texts we received from someone in the home first hand. I would appreciate this lady can stop doxxing us and blasting misinformation all over the place and harassing us. I shared all of the information with the police and am very shocked they gave this lady her address who has no affiliation with this situation other than a neighbor that is not involved. She is saying I was placed in handcuffs, which is absolutely not true. After reviewing the evidence, the officers said it was clear I was acting in good faith and would be reviewed by a detective with my evidence. This is slander at this point and police have been sent the screenshots of her misleading information she has posted. This dog was never “taken” from the home. He was running the streets and was taken to a safe place. I will not entertain this woman or her lies and will not be arguing about this as this is none of her business.Be the first to reactLike

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Waldo, Kansas City | News, Crime, Lost Pets, Free Stuff (2024)
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Author: Tuan Roob DDS

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Author information

Name: Tuan Roob DDS

Birthday: 1999-11-20

Address: Suite 592 642 Pfannerstill Island, South Keila, LA 74970-3076

Phone: +9617721773649

Job: Marketing Producer

Hobby: Skydiving, Flag Football, Knitting, Running, Lego building, Hunting, Juggling

Introduction: My name is Tuan Roob DDS, I am a friendly, good, energetic, faithful, fantastic, gentle, enchanting person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.